Termeni și condiții

S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L proprietara Hotelului Corona isi rezerva dreptul de a schimba si actualiza in orice moment continutul acestui website, precum si Politica de confidentialitate si Termenii si conditiile de folosire, fara nici un fel de notificare prealabila. De aceea, va rugam sa vizitati periodic aceasta sectiune pentru a verifica termenii si conditiile pe care ati agreat sa le respectati.

1. Informatii personale
Utilizatorul este responsabil pentru toate activitatile care survin prin accesarea site-ului S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L​.
S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L nu poate fi facuta responsabila pentru actiunile survenite in urma neglijentei utilizatorului privind securitatea si confidentialitatea datelor personale.
2. Drepturile utilizatorului
S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L. garanteaza utilizatorului acces limitat, pe acest site si nu ii confera dreptul de a descarca sau de a modifica partial sau integral site-ul, fara acordul scris al S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L​.
 3. Securitatea datelor personale
S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L garanteaza securitatea si confidentialitatea datelor gazduite si transmise prin sistemul sau informatic. Inregistrarea datelor este facuta doar in scopul autorizat de utilizator: onorarea rezervarilor, informarea despre noutati si ofertele speciale (cu consimtamantul prealabil al clientilor).
Datele dumneavoastra personale vor putea fi transmise autoritatilor in drept cu scopul verificarii tranzactiilor comerciale sau altor autoritati in drept pentru efectuarea oricaror verificari justificate in baza legii.
S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L certifica faptul ca va respecta drepturile conferite de Legea nr. 677/2001 privind protectia persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera circulatie a acestor date, a Legii nr. 365/2002 privind comertul electronic, precum a Ordonantei nr. 130/2000 privind protectia consumatorilor la incheierea si executarea contractelor la distanta cu modificarile ulterioare. 
4. Copyright
Intregul continut al site-ului S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L – imagini, texte, grafice, simboluri, elemente de grafica web, scripturi, programe si alte date – este proprietatea S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L si este protejat de Legea pentru protectia drepturilor de autor si de legile privind proprietatea intelectuala si industriala. Folosirea fara acordul S.C.COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L a oricaror elemente enumerate mai sus se pedepseste conform legilor in vigoare.
5.Informatiile introduse de utilizator
Datele de rezervare ale utilizatorilor sunt confidentiale. La rezervare se transmit la Hotel Corona doar informatiile esentiale necesare efectuarii rezervarii. Datele personale vor putea fi insa transmise autoritatilor in drept sa verifice tranzactiile comerciale sau altor autoritati in drept sa efectueze orice verificari justificate in baza legii, daca acest lucru va fi solicitat in conformitate cu legile in vigoare. Datele de rezervare trebuie completate cu atentie. S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L poate anula fara avertisment rezervarile efectuate pentru care se constata ca au fost introduse date eronate. De asemenea, S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L poate anula orice rezervare efectuata de catre un utilizator care nu poate fi contactat telefonic in legatura cu rezervarea efectuata, dar nu si daca utilizatorul respectiv a mai efectuat rezervari prin S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L si acestea au fost onorate sau daca serviciile rezervate au fost platite in avans sau garantate cu carte de credit.
6. Litigii
Prin folosirea site-ului (vizitarea sau cumpararea serviciilor), utilizatorul se declara de acord asupra faptului ca legile romane vor guverna ‘Termeni si conditii’ de mai sus si orice disputa de orice fel care ar putea sa apara intre utilizator si S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L​. In cazul unor eventuale conflicte intre S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L si utilizatori, se va incerca mai intai rezolvarea acestora pe cale amiabila. Daca rezolvarea pe cale amiabila nu va fi posibila, conflictul va fi solutionat in instanta, in conformitate cu legile romane in vigoare.

Terms and conditions

SC COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L The owner of Corona Hotel reserves the right to change and update at any time the content of this website, as well as the Policy Confidentiality and the Terms and Conditions of use, without any prior notification. For that, please visit this section periodically to check the Terms and Conditions on who that you agreed to respect.

1. Personal information
The user is responsible for all activities that occur by accessing the S.C.
SC COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L cannot be held responsible for the actions that occurred as a consequence of the user's negligence regarding the security and confidentiality of personal data.
2. User rights
SC COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L. guarantees the user limited access to this site and not them grants the right to download or modify the site in whole or in part, without the written consent of SC COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L.
3. Security of personal data
SC COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L guarantees the security and confidentiality of the hosted data and transmitted through its computer system. The registration of the data is done only for the authorized purpose
user: honoring reservations, informing about news and special offers (with
prior consent of clients).
Your personal data may be transmitted to the law enforcement authorities for the purpose of verification commercial transactions or other law enforcement authorities for any checks justified by the law.
SC COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L certifies that it will respect the rights conferred by the Law no. 677/2001 regarding the protection of persons regarding the processing of personal data and free movement of these data, of Law no. 365/2002 regarding electronic commerce, as a
Ordinance no. 130/2000 regarding consumer protection at the conclusion and execution of contracts at a distance with subsequent changes.
4. Copyright
The entire content of the S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L - images, texts, graphics,symbols, web graphics elements, scripts, programs and other data - is the property of S.C. COMPRODALIMENT S.R.L and is protected by the Law for the protection of copyright and laws regarding intellectual and industrial property. Use without the consent of S.C.COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L of any of the elements listed above is punished according to the laws in force.
5. The information entered by the user
The reservation data of the users are confidential. The reservation is sent to the Hotel Corona only the essential information needed to make the reservation. But personal data may be transmitted to law enforcement authorities to verify commercial transactions or to other law enforcement authorities carry out any justified checks based on the law, if this will be requested in accordance with the laws in force. The reservation data must be completed carefully. SC COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L can cancel without warning the reservations made for which it is notes that erroneous data have been entered. Also, S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L can cancel any reservation made by a user who cannot be contacted by telephone in regarding the reservation made, but not if the respective user has already made reservations through
SC COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L and these were honored or if the reserved services were prepaid or guaranteed by credit card.
6. Litigation
By using the site (visiting or purchasing the services), the user declares himself / herself agreement on the fact that the Romanian laws will govern the 'Terms and conditions' above and all dispute of any kind that might arise between the user and S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L.
In case of possible conflicts between S.C. COM PRODALIMENT S.R.L and users, will first try to solve them amicably. If the amicable solution will not be
if possible, the conflict will be solved in court, in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.

Telefon receptie

0743 128 658
Telefon restaurant:
0743 128 661

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